.. include:: ../links.inc Magstim BiStim² =============== The `BiStim²`_ is a paired-pulse stimulator combining 2 monophasic stimulators to deliver paired pulses through 2 separate or through a single :term:`coil`. The paired pulses can be delivered with independent stimulation intensities and variable inter-pulse intervals. Magstim devices share common features that are detailed in the :ref:`common features section of the guidelines `. .. image:: ../_static/magstim/bistim-system.png :align: center :class: img-with-border :width: 400 Start-up -------- The `BiStim²`_ can be started by (1) setting the power switch to ``ON`` behind both units, and (2) pressing the power button on the front panel of both units. .. note:: Contrary to the `Super Rapid² Plus¹`_, the `BiStim²`_ power consumption is handled through a single power outlet. Coils ----- .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Type of coils TODO .. tab-item:: Connections To use the `BiStim²`_ as a paired-pulse stimulation with a single :term:`coil`, the 2 stimulators must be connected to the appendix on the left side of the stimulator ``A``, and the :term:`coil` must be connected to the same appendix. .. image:: ../_static/magstim/bistim-coil-connection.png :align: center :class: img-with-border :width: 500 .. important:: If the coil(s) are connected to a stimulator directly, the stimulators work independently one from another. Settings -------- When both stimulators are connected to the same :term:`coil`, the stimulator ``A`` controls the intensity of both pulses (and stimulators) and the inter-pulse interval. The pulses can be set to different intensities. Press on the nob to circle between the 3 settings and turn the nob to set the desired value. .. image:: ../_static/magstim/bistim-settings.png :align: center :class: img-with-border :width: 100% .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Intensity Intensity is set as a percentage of the maximum stimulator output. The intensity should be defined based on :ref:`the individual motor threshold `. .. tab-item:: Inter-pulse interval The inter-pulse interval is set in milliseconds and defines the delay between the pulse delivered by both stimulators. .. attention:: Using both `BiStim²`_ stimulators connected to the same :term:`coil` with an inter-pulse interval set to ``0`` is not equivalent to using a single `BiStim²`_ stimulator. This mode of operation is **not recommended**. .. tab-item:: Mode ε (``E``) When setting the inter-pulse interval to ``0``, then pressing the red button and turning the nob counter-clockwise, the `BiStim²`_ will enter mode ``ε``, displaying an ``E`` in the inter-pulse interval display. In this mode, the pulse delivery is controlled by the triggers only. The first trigger will deliver a pulse on stimulator ``A``, the second trigger will deliver a pulse on stimulator ``B``. .. image:: ../_static/magstim/bistim-settings-epsilon.png :align: center :class: img-with-border :width: 100% .. tip:: To exit the mode ``ε``, press the red button and turn the nob clockwise. .. important:: The `BiStim²`_ stimulators need time to recharge between pulses. Thus, after a pulse has been delivered on a stimulator, it is up to the user to ensure no new trigger attempts to deliver a pulse on the same stimulator before it is ready. Usually, the stimulator requires around 1 second to recharge (depends on the pulse intensity). If a trigger is sent to a stimulator that is not ready, the `BiStim²`_ will wait until it is recharged before delivering the pulse. Thus, the inter-pulse interval will **not** be respected. Datasheets & Manuals -------------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 100 :header-rows: 1 * - Manual * - .. image:: ../_static/icons/pdf.png :align: center :alt: Manual :target: ../_static/downloads/manuals/magstim-bistim.pdf :width: 100